Indie Game
Given its fishing/horror premise and the reductive headlines it has inspired, it’d be easy for someone who has never played Dredge before to dismiss it as nothing more than a gimmick. Yes, it’s a…
Are you at home right now? If you are, look around at the walls that surround you. How often do you think about them? About their purpose? About what you’ve experienced within them? How…
FAITH: The Unholy Trinity
Clearly inspired by The Exorcist and other films of the era, FAITH: The Unholy Trilogy’s story follows the life of a priest suffering a crisis of faith after participating in a tragically botched exorcism.…
Hotline Miami
In a 2015 interview with Dave Portner for Interview Magazine, John Carpenter, esteemed director of film classics like Halloween, The Thing, They Live, and In the Mouth of Madness, said “Horror is a reaction;…
Tormented Souls
Tormented Souls is an admirable, if not derivative, throwback to survival horror classics like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. It may not be as seminal as Lone Survivor, but it has a firm understanding…
Lone Survivor
Between its narrative, music, and general atmosphere, Lone Survivor wears its Silent Hill 2 inspiration on its sleeve. As you roam the game’s decaying streets and halls, you may come to consider, as I…