The Story So Far: Metal Gear (MSX2)
BlakeGray Fox has been captured by Outer Heaven forces and Solid Snake has been sent in to rescue him.
Codec Logs: Positive Punk
BlakeFrom: Blake Foley To: Sean Gandert Subject: RE: Stop the Operation. Switch off Your MSX at Once. Man, Bioshock’s twist… I really hate that it is THE twist in video games, and I equally…
Codec Logs: Stop the Operation. Switch off Your MSX at Once.
SeanCodec Logs is a retrospective Metal Gear letter series by Blake Foley and Sean Gandert. An index of the letters can be found here. From: Sean Gandert To: Blake Foley Subject: Stop the Operation.…
Codec Logs: World-Building with Steve
BlakeFrom: Blake Foley To: Sean Gandert Subject: RE: Entering the Cardboard Box Sean, Even though I’m a long time fan of the series, I actually never went back to Metal Gear on the MSX2.…
Codec Logs: Entering the Cardboard Box
SeanThis is going to put me in a tiny minority of players, but before we began this project Metal Gear was the most recent entry of the series that I’d played. After I graduated…